MiTAMA is a form of electrotherapy that penetrates a small amount of electromagnetic energy into the body. The generator current mimics and supplements the body's natural energy flow. The stimulation is safe, sub-sensory, holistic and noninvasive. This additional energy is what the body needs to rebuild and refuel cell health and reverse the signs of aging. A revolutionary system that mirrors the body's own natural energy composition in both, electrical and magnetic realms. The micro-current signals communicate through the skin at a cellular level to rejuvenate and amplify the healing of the cells by activating their natural repair and refresh functions.
MiTAMA is a form of electrotherapy that penetrates a small amount of electromagnetic energy into the body. The generator current mimics and supplements the body's natural energy flow. The stimulation is safe, sub-sensory, holistic and noninvasive. This additional energy is what the body needs to rebuild and refuel cell health and reverse the signs of aging. A revolutionary system that mirrors the body's own natural energy composition in both, electrical and magnetic realms. The micro-current signals communicate through the skin at a cellular level to rejuvenate and amplify the healing of the cells by activating their natural repair and refresh functions.
Use MiTAMA device once per week. Cleanse first, choose your mask, apply MiTAMA electrodes and turn your device on. Once done, dispose the mask and massage the remaining product into the skin. You can do your treatment while reading a book, watching TV or cooking.
A 20 minute program where all TAMA modalities are combined in a cohesive manner, creating a unique facial experience. Perfect for aging, loose skin and muscles.
Concerns: Sagging tissue, droopy features, fine lines, collagen loss, skin texture
Should not be used: if pregnant; if you have a defibrillator or pacemaker; if you have seizure disorder; past or present cancer history.
Consult your doctor prior to use of this device.
A 10 minute of deep tissue stimulation for facial structure revitalization.
Concerns: Sagging tissue, droopy features
Should not be used: if pregnant; if you have a defibrillator or pacemaker; if you have seizure disorder; past or present cancer history.
Consult your doctor prior to use of this device.
20 minute program to detox and calm sensitive, blemished skin and promote skin clarity.
Concerns: Redness, blemishes, inflammation, puffiness
Should not be used: if pregnant; if you have a defibrillator or pacemaker; if you have seizure disorder; past or present cancer history.
Consult your doctor prior to use of this device.
15 minute program to detox and support men's unique skincare needs. HeTAMA device is designed especially for men's skin to combat breakouts, shaving irritations, and those fine lines.
Concerns: Skin texture and irritation, loss of facial tone
Should not be used: if you have a defibrillator or pacemaker; if you have seizure disorder; past or present cancer history.
Consult your doctor prior to use of this device.
Now you can help your scars faster. MiTama Scar Repair is designed with three distinct Tama modalities to realign tissue and remove the scarring. It may be administered 4 days after surgery or accident. Treatment time 17 min, second round of treatment at the same session is ok. Therapy can be repeated every 3 days for a period of 1 month. Comes with pads and instructions how to use it.
Concerns: Scar tissue
Should not be used: if pregnant; if you have a defibrillator or pacemaker; if you have seizure disorder; past or present cancer history.
Consult your doctor prior to use of this device.
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