-Digestive Acne
Skin Zone: Forehead, Nose, Upper Cheeks, Chin, around the Mouth .
Organ: Esophagus, Smal/Large Intestines, Rectum
Most likely caused by imbalances due to toxins from an overgrowth of candida in the digestive tract. Can be progesterone medication, sugar, mucus producing foods such as dairy and fried foods.
Recommended products
Internal: Skin Perfection Elixir, Skin Clarifier, Skin Defense, Recovery oil
Topical: Rescue (epidermal repair) serum
-Liver Acne
Skin Zone: Jawline, Neck, Chest, Back
Organ: Liver
Not bacterial infection or related to oil. This inflammation is body's detox process. It is also known as hormonal acne, and is caused by estrogen-like environmental toxins. Food preservatives show up on the jaw line, pesticides on the neck, chlorine on the chest and/or back.
Recommended products
Internal: Regenerate (liver & collagen renewal), Skin Defense supplements, Skin Perfection Elixir, Recovery, Digestive Support, Digestive Relief Elixir
Topical: Rescue (epidermal repair) serum, Clarify (blemish prone Vitamin A) serum, Accelerate (advanced spot treatment), Balance activated mist, Extract Mask
Skin Zone: Nose. Cheeks, Forehead, Chin
Organ: Esophagus, Intestines, Chest, Rectum
Likely to be caused by mucus in your digestive tract purging through the follicles and has little to do with dirt. Primary causes include eating fried foods, dairy, and food allergies. The mucus build-up occurs in different parts of the body resulting in varying impacted areas: forehead-large intestine, cheeks-small intestine, nose- esophagus, around mouth and chin area-rectum, chest and back-lungs.
Recommended products
Internal: Skin Clarifier and Digestive support supplement, Recovery oil
Topical: Rescue, with Clarify (blemish prone Vitamin A) serum, Accelerate (advanced spot treatment), Balance activated mist, Extract mask
Skin Zone: Face & Body
Organ: Liver
-Liver Spots, Shows in form of inflammation/redness, once in the sun become brown. Commonly caused by medication, it develops because the skin inflammation triggers a protective response of melanin ( brown) to cover it. Liver damage needs to be healed. It is very challenging to treat.
Recommended products
Internal: Regenerate (liver & collagen renewal) supplement, Immune Activator (detox) supplement, Skin Defense
Topical: StemFactor (DNA repair) serum, Infuse nutrient activating mist, Rescue (epidermal repair) serum, Perfection serum for spot treatment.
- Age Spots, smaller spots on the face, freckles worsened by the sun are caused by free radical damage at the base of the skin barrier called dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ).
Recommended products
Internal: Immune Activator, Regenerate (liver & collagen renewal), Skin Defense, Ageless Vitality
Topical: Rescue serum(targets the source of age spots), Renew (advanced Vitamin A) serum, Catalyst AC-11 (DNA repair) serum, Perfection for spot treatment, Protect (SPF)
Skin Zone: Nose, Upper and Lower cheek, Chin
Organ: Esophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Rectum
Inflammation in the digestive tract is the cause of rosacea. Esophagus zone suffers form acid reflux including capillaries on the side of the nose. The stomach zone reacts to H,Pylori and gastritis. The intestine zones become red from candida, gluten, food allergies, and more.
Recommended products
Internal: Digestive Support supplement, Skin Perfection Elixir, Immune Activator supplement, Recovery oil
Topical: Rescue (epidermal repair) serum
Skin Zone: Nose
Organ: Stomach.
If you have redness around nostrils area, you have stomach inflammation, most common cause is H. Pylori bacteria overgrowth. Other causes may include gastritis from using pain killers.
Recommended products
Internal: Immune Defense (anti-pathogen elixir), 2 doses 12 hours apart. Dose is based on weight: up to 100 lbs -1 bottle, up to 200 lbs 2 bottles, up to 300 lbs-3 bottles
Topical: Rescue (epidermal repair) serum.
Skin Zone : Eyes
Irritated eyelids is likely stress-based, it represents the adrenals and it is first part of facial skin that becomes compromised under heavy stress. Yoga or meditation could help to reduce stress.
Recommended products
Internal: Emotional Well-Being Elixir
Topical: Rescue (epidermal repair) serum
Skin Zone: Eyes
Organ: Adrenals, Kidneys
It is primarily caused by sadness, poor sleep, heavy metals and is a result of weakening kidney health. Some people are genetically prone. Puffiness can be caused by excess salt, alcohol, pain medications, which hurt the kidneys. Upper eye lids represent the adrenals, irritation in this area can be related to stress.
Recommended products
Internal: Relax & Unwind, Hormone Relief, Emotional Well-Being Elixirs
Topical: Refresh Eye Serum, Correct (advanced Vitamin A)serum,
Three main aspects for aging skin.
-Oxidative damage from sun exposure and culprits are free radicals. It effects the surface layer of the skin(epidermis) and it's responsible for collagen losses.
-DNA damage slowly accumulates starting at a young age and main issue is sunburn. Avoid chemical peels and antibiotics as it causes DNA damage.
-Skin starvation. Exfoliation stresses the skin and predisposes it to more oxidation and DNA damage as well as depleting the skin's resources. Energy drinks, smoking and stress will worsen the situation.
Recommended products
Internal: Regenerate (liver & collagen renewal), Skin Defense, Elevate, Ageless Vitality, Hormone Relief Elixirs, Recovery oil
Topical: StemFactor, Correct (advanced Vitamin A) or Renew (highest level of V-A), Catalyst AC-11 and Rescue Serums, Enrich (restorative night cream), Immerse (moisture booster), Hydrate (plumping moisturizer), Illuminate and Refresh eye creams
-Enlarged pores are caused by a combination of free radicals (sun) damage to the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ) and mirroring gaps created in your digestive tract. DEJ is the only part of your skin barrier that does not replace itself every month and so it takes a lot of permanent hits from the sun. Osmosis patented serum targets this concern. The common food that cause gaps internally include yogurt and ice cream because of their pasteurized emulsifiers. Avoid it.
Recommended products
Topical: Rescue Serum, Catalyst AC-11 Serum, Infuse Nutrient Activating Mist.
-The loss of elasticity and firmness is caused by a combination of one or more of the following: loss of muscle mass from repeated botox injection, normal aging, loss of volume from shrinking facial fat pads commonly caused by excess sugar and/or alcohol, damage and/or loss of collagen and elastin fibers commonly by sun damage and /or gravity.
Recommended products
Internal: Elevate Supplement, Recovery oil
Topical: Catalyst AC-11, Infuse Nutrient Activating Mist or Boost Peptide Infused mist, Correct (advanced Vitamin A) or Renew (highest levelV-A) Serums, StemFactor serum, Hydrate (plumping moisturizer), Enrich (restorative night cream)m Eye creams Illuminate and Refresh
Possible causes:
-Damage can include sun or a traumatic event to the skin. The skin forms these capillaries to provide extra circulation to the damaged regions.
Recommended products
Topical: Catalyst AC-11 (DNA repair) Serum, Infuse Nutrient Activating Mist.
-Inflammation of the intestines. Enlarged blood vessels on the face can be seen when there's a relationship with organs in the body and can be associated with inflamed digestive tract. Blood vessels on the forehead, cheeks, nose.
Recommended products
Internal: Skin Clarifier Supplements, Skin Perfection Elixir.
Topical: Rescue Serum,
-Acid Reflux, damage caused to the esophagus. Capillaries visible on the side of the nose. Healing this type of capillaries can only happen if body heals the damage to the esophagus, otherwise nothing topical will help.
Recommended products
Internal: Digestive Support Supplements, Immune Activator (detox) Supplement,
Topical: Rescue (epidermal repair) Serum
-Chronic Constipation. Capillaries on the chin are primarily caused by chronic constipation damage to rectum.
Recommended products
Internal: Ageless Vitality Elixir, Digestive Support Supplements,
Topical: Catalyst AC-11 Serum.
-Liver damage, distended blood vessels in the cheek area. If you have a severe liver damage topical product will not treat this condition.
-Texture changes in the skin are primarily caused by free radicals (sun) damage to the dermal-epidermal junction (DEJ). This is the only part of the skin barrier that does not replace itself every month and so it takes a lot of permanent hits from the sun.
Recommended products
Topical: Rescue (epidermal repair) Serum, Boost (peptide activating) Mist.
-Fine lines & wrinkles are formed from loss of collagen density in the skin. It can be caused by: lack of circulation and nutrient delivery because we lose 1% of our blood supple every year starting age 25. A shrinking supply of collagen making cells and related growth factors, DNA damage from toxins, emotions, sun.
Recommended products
Internal: Hormone Relief, Ageless Vitality Elixirs, Elevate supplements, Recovery oil
Topical: Correct (advanced Vitamin A) or Renew (highest level V-A) Serums, Catalyst AC-11 (DNA repair serum), Infuse or Boost Nutrient Activating Mist, StemFactor Serum, Quench (nourishing moisturizer), Enrich (restorative night cream), Illuminate and Refresh eye creams, SPF 30 (broad spectrum sunscreen)
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