ThermoClear is the latest in skin treatment technology, utilizing both low and high radio frequency it removes imperfections rapidly with minimal pain and down time on most skin types. ThermoClear device effects only epidermis layer, treating moles, sun and age spots, fibromas, keratosis and sebaceous hyperplasia, cholesterol deposits and acne scars. Benefits are instant and long lasting. For most people one session is all they need, for others can take few sessions to complete the treatment. A small probe is used to barely touch the skin which vaporizes and dries the affected area creating very small crusts that heal and flake off in 3 to 15 days. Clients describe their pain level as a 1-3 on a scale of 1-10, with a very quick stinging sensation which dissipates quickly when the probe is lifted. There’s a quick, minimal discomfort that only lasts a few seconds as each lesion is vaporized. You may experience some mild irritation, redness, and crusting on the treated areas. While skin is healing, makeup can be applied to cover and camouflage any temporary imperfections. You will need to avoid direct sunlight immediately after the treatment, otherwise, you can resume normal activities right away. Results are often seen after just one treatment!
Important! Before beginning ThermoClear treatment you should consult your physician for evaluation of a possible medical problem that may be causing unwanted epidermal imperfections or benign pigmented lesions.Most cases are hereditary and due to aging or sun exposure.
- Current or recent use of accutane, eczema, dermatitis, malignant skin tumors, open lesions, lupus, active herpes infection, sunburn and keratoses.
- Do not use during pregnancy
- Do not use with implanted pace makers or some heart conditions
- High blood pressure, anticoagulants may affect treatment
- When in doubt about a skin problem have the lesion evaluated by a physician before you treat
Post Treatment Instructions:
- Immediately after the treatment an ice pack , Polysporin, Bacitracin or Caladryl lotion can be applied to smooth a possible mild swelling or edema. It is normal for the treated area to feel like sunburn for a few hours. Avoid any trauma to the skin up to 24 hours. No bathing in a very hot water, swimming pool, hot tub or strenuous exercise. Try to keep the treated area dry.
- Do not pick the area- Avoid picking and scratching the treated area to achieve your best results. If any crusting appears you can apply an antibiotic cream. Bacitracin or Caladryl lotion can be applied or after sunburn gel.
- Make up may be used 24 hours after the treatment, unless there is any sign of epidermal bleeding. It is recommended to use fresh make up or a mineral powder to reduce the possibility of infection.
- You may shower after the treatment with a lukewarm water. If extensive work has been done, you may need to apply Aquaphor or Vaseline on the treated area when taking a shower and lightly remove it after bathing. Skin should be patted dry and not rubbed. After 24 hours you can gently wash the area with a mild soap.
- You may experience redness, scabbing or slight bruising from 5-7 days after the treatment. Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for 2-3 weeks and throughout the course of your recommended treatment process. Use sunscreen SPF 25 or higher at all times when going out in the sun.
- Avoid tweezing, waxing, bleaching, chemical peels and all laser treatments during the course of healing. Do not use irritants such as Resin-A, glycolic or loofa until the area has completely healed up.
- Call your ThermoClear professional with any questions or concerns you may have.